Book Your Appointment Here

Are you ready to quit now? We're here to help. Thousands of people have quit smoking through our Smoking Cessation program.



Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States: cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year. Globally, 1 person dies every 6 seconds from a tobacco-related disease.

Quitting smoke is not easy to do going cold turkey and for many its still difficult even using nicotine aids.  Why?  Because many people struggle with the mental habit of cigarette smoking.   Over the past two decades, Rebecca has helped thousands of people quit smoking in the past 25 years when they didn’t think they could. Now it’s your turn!  

With Rebecca’s tried and true program, most clients quit in less than 21 days.

This is true no matter how long you’ve been smoking cigarettes or how much you smoke daily.  

This program is for you if:

  • Logically you know you should quit but you just can't make it happen.

  • When you try to quit, you experience an inner tug of war between your logic and the cravings.

  • You know that it's the mental habit of cigarettes is what is holding you back from quitting!

YOU CAN QUIT! I HAVE HELPED THOUSANDS. We are so confident that this program works that our Stop Smoking Program includes a GUARANTEE.  

Get on-going support and unlimited reinforcement sessions for 90 days for $750.

As a business owner, to make this type of guarantee of unlimited sessions for a flat fee is unheard of. This demonstrates how confident Rebecca is that you CAN quit smoking AND FAST! No matter what your stumbling block or sticking point is, she knows how to help you become a successful and comfortable non-smoker.

Book Your Smoking Cessation Program Now

or Contact Us for additional questions.