The Underutilized Power of Hypnosis in Internal Medicine: A Call to Action
In the realm of internal medicine, there exists a profound yet underutilized tool that could revolutionize patient care: medical hypnosis. Despite a wealth of robust evidence supporting its efficacy in treating a variety of ailments and backed by solid mechanistic data, hypnosis remains a largely untapped resource among internists. This gap between the potential benefits of hypnosis and its actual application in medical practice is a paradox that needs addressing.
Integrating hypnosis into medical treatment aligns perfectly with our commitment to evidence-based approaches that prioritize patient well-being while minimizing collateral harm. However, this alignment contrasts sharply with the reality of how seldom hypnosis is offered as a treatment option by physicians in spite of the fact that it was recognized by the American Medical Association for half a decade.
There is a compelling case for a modern revival of what is considered the oldest form of Western psychotherapy. Hypnosis, with its deep historical roots and proven modern applications, offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation. This article aims inform visitors to this site but also act as a call to action for modern medicine to embrace the full spectrum of healing modalities at its disposal.
“I went to see Rebecca because I have problems getting to sleep. I am a small business owner, and I have a lot on my plate. Rebecca is a true and caring professional who helped me gain consciousness, and learn to exercises better control of my thoughts and develop a plan to relax and focus on stepping out of my busy day to realize the great benefits of sleep. She listened intently and helped me make dramatic changes after just one visit. I would recommend her to anyone who is trying to improve themselves! Our thoughts shape our lives and we all need strong coaches like Rebecca!”
Tim Blanc - Founder and Chief Patient Advocate
INSOMNIA - Hypnosis is an effective tool for re-training the mind to wind down and sleep. In fact, many of my clients who have sought help for other areas, tell me that their hypnosis recordings cured their insomnia!
Stress is known to exacerbate the symptoms of various health issues especially chronic health conditions. Imagery had been found to be very effective for the treatment of stress. Imagery is at the center of relaxation techniques designed to release brain chemicals that act as your body’s natural brain tranquilizers, lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels. By and large, researchers find that these techniques work.
““Conditions that are caused by or aggravated by stress often respond very well to imagery techniques.””
Because hypnosis and imagery relax the body, doctors specializing may recommend it for stress-related conditions such as headaches, chronic pain in the neck and back, high blood pressure, spastic colon, and cramping from premenstrual syndrome.
Offering a Holistic Approach to Healing...Another reason that many people seek hypnosis for health and healing is to understand the emotional, psychological, or spiritual issues which lie at the root of their illness or disease. Deepak Chopra, M.D. said in one of his first books, “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind,” that all illness and disease begin in the mind. The philosophy is that if one identifies and heals the root cause, a deeper and more lasting healing opportunity exists.
“I have shed the anger, frustration, guilt, fear and the internal ugliness that cancer left me with. My doctor is amazed at the change within me. The Rebecca’s Emotional Healing Workshop has given me the gift of knowledge and empowerment to go forth into my own journey with grace, love and joy!””
““Lack of love and emotional pain manifests in many disguises. It may appear as obesity or anorexia, depression or anxiety, allergies or autoimmune disorders. Digestive problems, chronic pain, and fatigue can all reflect underlying emotional malnourishment. If you are willing to look at the story behind your illness, release the toxic emotions you’ve been carrying, and begin thinking and doing things differently, healing and transformation will occur.” ”
What's the Story Behind Your Health Challenge? Hypnosis can help you to identify and release the emotional and belief system level triggers to an illness or disease.
IBS/Gastrointestinal Issues
PREPARE FOR SURGERY & ENHANCE RECOVERY - “Numerous studies over the years show that Hypnosis is a highly effective form of reducing pain and anxiety for people undergoing surgery. This also leads to improved recovery after the surgery due to less anxiety and pain associated with the procedure. In one study, recovery time for patients was reduced by half. I highly recommend Peggy Huddleston’s book Prepare for Surgery
Hypnosis is not a replacement for proper medical care and advice. Please see your doctor before deciding if hypnosis is right for you. In certain cases, medical referrals may be required.
“Hypnotherapy is one of many alternative therapies gaining wider acceptance at some of the nation’s best hospitals and medical research institutes.”
According to David Spiegel, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, not only is hypnotherapy legitimate, it's "literally the oldest Western conception of a psychotherapy."
Spiegel has been conducting studies about the benefits of hypnosis for more than 40 years and he said there is no doubt that hypnosis works as an effective therapeutic technique to manage pain and kick bad habits.
In 2000, Spiegel and his colleagues determined that patients using hypnosis as a part of a comprehensive treatment plan could significantly reduce drug use and procedure time.
"Lowering those two meant an average cost savings of approximately $338," Spiegel said. A 2007 article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute doubled that figure, finding that a hospital saved $772 per patient in the hypnosis group, mainly due to reduced surgical time. "Patients who received hypnosis reported less post-surgical pain, nausea, fatigue and discomfort," according to a release from the American Psychological Association.
Hypnosis has its skeptics, partly because while studies seem to show it has tangible benefits, it's most often used in tandem with other treatments; scientifically quantifying its success alone is difficult.
From comedy performers such as Jones to Harvard educated psychiatrists such as Spiegel, anyone can learn to hypnotize and call themselves a "hypnotist," which also gives doubters pause. Three states -- Colorado, Connecticut and Washington -- require mandatory licensing requirements from individuals wanting to practice hypnotherapy.
According to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, or ASCH, most insurance companies will cover 50% to 80% of the cost of individual therapy, but only if treated by licensed professionals. ASCH requires its members to be licensed health care workers and, at minimum, have a master's degree. The National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists, on the other hand, requires applicants have a graduate-level degree as well as 50 hours of classroom instruction and 30 hours of clinical training.